About Stellar Supported Living
Dependable, Professional & Reliable
We work in partnership with Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and Supporting People within leading Local Authorities by offering high quality supported housing for adults at risk.
We provide a range of specialist residential and supported living services to support young persons (16+) and adults aged 18 and over with Autism, Epilepsy, Asperger’s Syndrome, challenging behaviour or a mental health condition.
Our aim is to enable the people we support to achieve their goals, believing passionately that regardless of the challenges they face, everyone can accomplish extraordinary achievements with the right care in the right environment.
Customer expectations are rising in all areas of service industries. Our mission is to meet and exceed these expectations across our service. We strongly believe that we should lead the way in setting standards of customer care and satisfaction.
Our Aim is to promote independence and choice so that our customers can remain in their own homes as much as possible or in a comfortable environment.
We are committed in delivering our services that you want, how you want them, in the comfort of your own home.
The quality of care and support we provide to the people in our services is always our priority. We are proud of our commitment to quality and as a leading provider in the sector, we are consistently looking for ways in which we can improve and enable the people we support to live the lives they want; lives which are fulfilling, meaningful and happy.
We have are aiming to have Good and Outstanding services than any other provider in Health or Social Care, but we’re also not complacent and recognise there is always so much more that we could do. The people we support and their experiences are our best tutors and using their feedback, we will build better quality care for all.
Our quality goes beyond regulatory ratings, and whilst we place importance on creating Good and Outstanding services, this is just one of the many ways we measure quality and our other unique methods include:
Internal quality audits – a robust system that occurs every quarter that reviews services for quality and compliance
Quality checkers – a team of people we support who formally apply and receive training to complete quality audits within services
Growing together groups – co-production of organisational plans and policy development involving people we support from across the regions
Quality roadshows – a series of events attended by service managers to share best practise and learning
STOMP pledge – an initiative to reduce unnecessary medication administration for the people we support